is no secret: men hate going to the doctor. Women are more cumplidoras and regular patients but the Knights often avoid the consultations or go less than recommended. The experts explain that this behavior is dangerous because it avoids that pathologies diagnose that agarradas are in time much easier to cure.

This male behaviour is particularly surprising if you consider living fewer years than women and have a mortality rate higher for diseases such as cancer, heart disease, accidents, cerebrovascualres and AIDS.

Then why not are more often the doctor? “There are as many answers as patient men, but most often is that do not consider a priority,” said Timothy Vavra, of the Loyola University (United States).

The expert noted that as they are very busy they consider going to the doctor is a waste of time, when it is really the best they can do by his family. “A man may feel selfish or weak by going to the doctor or take care of their health, but this attitude actually has a positive impact on the family.” “Children follow the example of their parents by which if a man lives in a healthy manner also do their children,” he stressed.

Lack of willingness to

on the other hand, sometimes not going to the doctor because they are not willing to do what it takes to improve. “Many do not want to make changes in the lifestyle for which they believe it has no sense to listen to a doctor telling them to change their diet, do exercise or refrain from smoking”, lamented Vavra.

Paradoxically, explained the professional, go to the doctor avoids having to produce more followed that allows to detect pathologies than clasping in time can be cured more easily. “There are patients who would not have had to do so often your doctor if they had implemented minor changes had helped them to prevent a medical crisis resulting in a complete change in lifestyle”, he added.

Diseases that the men must fear

Vavra reiterated the importance of the medical consultation, which can prevent a man should strongly change their lifestyle, begin to take drugs or do frequent medical studies.

The main pathologies that a man should prevent include hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol, colon cancer and prostate cancer.

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