(www.neomundo.com.ar) to improve the sexual lives of women could be simply a matter of faith. Placebo without any concrete effect is enough women to improve various symptoms related to sexual dissatisfaction, as the little desire to make love.

To those conclusions came a study conducted by the University of Texas-Austin (United States) published in the medical journal Journal of Sexual Medicine. For authors, research suggests that taking a simple measure or feel more hope about their sexuality has reached to improve women’s satisfaction.

LA dysfunction SEXUAL

sexual dysfunctions occur when a person fails to enjoy the sexual act in their stages. This problem can develop at any stage of life and may have a psychological, physical or joint origin

Cindy Meston, one of the authors clarified that measure sexual satisfaction is very difficult as it relies on each woman’s own perceptions. In this regard, Andrea Bradford, another researcher, said that the “sexual dysfunction is, somehow, what a woman says that it is.” “If it perceives that they have a low sexual desire or difficulties to achieve an orgasm, then that is what is taken into account”.

Hope and pleasure

as part of its investigation the authors worked with 50 women who were in stable, committed relationships. Many of them were even married. All the volunteers took a placebo for three months and completed a questionnaire on symptoms of sexual dissatisfaction.

Meston stressed that one-third of women who participated in the study experienced marked improvements in their sexual life, especially an increase in the desire and libido.

The author said that a decrease in sexual desire is normal in the ladies in long relationships. He explained that the volunteers who improved their symptoms probably felt hopes to improve his sex life or the increase in the sexual encounters with his partners enhanced the intimacy between the two.

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