A study carried out in premises of hotel Zaragoza confirms the multiple benefits of the present law anti-tobacco.

the results of the study confirm that the functional separation in the entertainment venues were not adequate to protect against environmental tobacco smoke.

– the concentration of respirable fine particles (PM 2.5) recorded at the entertainment venues where allowed smoking was in air quality levels, established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), classified as dangerous for the health of exposed persons

-71 per cent of smokers supported the financing of drugs would facilitate the overcoming addiction generated by the cigarette

Spain, 2011-may study level measurement of respirable fine particles (PM 2.5) as a marker for the environmental smoke in premises of hotel Zaragoza ” published this year in the journal archives of Bronconeumología, official organ of the Spanish society for Pneumology and thoracic surgery (SEPAR)Spanish has been confirmed for health benefits since the enactment of the new law smoking.

The results confirm the importance of the Elimination of the tobacco smoke in indoor public remarking that measures used previously were insufficient to improve the quality of the air. In connection with the separation of smoking areas, we note that in the case of the so-called functional separation, the area of non smoker has a concentration of particles similar to smokers of those premises which have physical separation, with a figures that place these spaces as little air quality healthy (entre66 _g/m3 and 150 _g/m3) según the classification of the EPA ” – explains the DRA. Isabel Nerín, neumóloga and first signer of this scientific article. These findings demonstrate the ineffectiveness of the so-called functional separation to reduce pollution by tobacco smoke in public places, and as a result, the effectiveness in terms of health, of the prohibition of the smoke in these premises ”, says Dr. Juan Ruiz Manzano, President of the Spanish society for Pneumology and thoracic surgery (SEPAR), with which there are multiple benefits in terms of public health that provides the antitobacco law released this year ”.

This study shows that the concentration of respirable fine particulates in the entertainment venues where smoking is permitted is greater than the outside and nearly 8 times higher in relation to the premises of non-smokers ”-explains the DRA. Nerín Isabel of the tobacco unit of the University of Zaragoza and member of the SEPAR. The study includes night entertainment venues that are showing greater pollution by particles with a concentration average ten times greater than that which exists in the street (481,42 μg/m3 to 47,40 μg/m3).

The study provides results from the analyses and observations made by signage on the permissiveness of smoking; the physical or functional division between areas of smokers and nonsmokers, the percentage of people who smoke respect the presence of ashtrays, cigarette butts or people smoking in areas and premises to the total of non-smokers.

The current measures against tobacco work, benefiting people’s health and allow delayed age of onset to the habit. The current challenge is focused on medical treatments to help stop this addiction. According to the results of a survey conducted by the Spanish society of Medicine of family and community (semFYC) in all Spain primary care centers, 71 per cent of smokers believes that if financed drugs to overcome addiction would be mores easy to try it with success. The survey of more than 4,000 citizens smokers, former smokers and nonsmokers reveals the current environment created from the start up of antitobacco law favors even more proactively abandonment of tobacco