A survey reveals that the incidence of asthma in adolescents in Huelva is three times higher than the adult.

-data captured by this hospital unit between 1991 and 2001 showed that the level of incidence in adolescents was 15.69 cases per 1000 persons per year, against 4.76 in adults

-The research has been carried out by specialists from the Hospital Juan Ramón Jiménez and published in the Spanish journal of thoracic pathology of NEUMOSUR

Huelva, April of 2013- a study prepared by the unit of clinical management of Pulmonology and allergy of Hospital Juan Ramón Jiménez of Huelva and published in the Spanish journal of PatologiThoracic, published by NEUMOSUR, it reveals that the incidence of asthma in teens is three times higher than the adult in the Huelva province capital. In particular, the data recorded by this hospital unit between 1991 and 2001 concluded that the level of incidence in adolescents was 15.69 cases per 1000 persons per year to 4.76 in adults.

Research work, coordinated by Dr. Antonio Pereira Vega, exposed to factors such as having stated wheezing (sound that makes the air through the Airways) in the last twelve months in the first phase of the study (in 1991), refer have ever had asthma ”, live with a dog or cat in childhoodliving in a common space with more than 3 smokers, have more than 13 years and respiratory symptoms or naso-ocular near an animal are the main risk factors for incident asthma. The study did not find however any association with family history of asthma.

The tests carried out essentially on a population of 605 individuals (401 adults and 204 young people, have highlighted that overcame the incident cases of wheezing in both populations to referrals significantly. 24.2% Of teenagers who referred not manifest wheezing in the past 12 months of 1991 (first phase of the study) Yes mentioned them in the second, completed in 2001. Only 4.3 percent of those who had them in the 1990s not concerned them in the second study.

The study carried out by specialists from the Hospital Juan Ramón Jiménez also analyzed data from bronchial hyper-responsiveness (HB) among the individuals involved in the study. In this situation the incident cases also outperformed referrals both of adolescents and adults in a significant way. Analyzed these two aspects, the analysis concludes that the incident cases of bronchial asthma (wheezing current + HB) exceeded referrals significantly in adolescents, which did not occur among adults.