A team of plastic surgeons Spanish pioneer in breast reconstruction integral.

The Spanish society of plastic surgery, reconstructive and aesthetic (SECPRE), on the occasion of the celebration of the day world of the cancer of breast.

-the breast cancer is a disease which, despite medical advances and prevention campaigns, still affects 1 in 12 women in Spain

-The technique of the TBAR (Total Breast Anatomy Restoration) consists of the total restitution of anatomical changes that occur with cancer breast cancer surgery

-through the TBAR, trying to get a correction, both morphological and functional, of the consequences arising from the ablative surgery

-the replacement of the breast after the mastectomí(a) and the practical elimination of the risk of developing Lymphedema modify even the therapeutic overview of breast cancer

Madrid, October of 2011- the plastic surgery is a specialty evolving Reconstructive Breast Surgery being one of the areas in which more is innovating. in recent years have assisted to breakthroughs thanks which begins to demystify this type of surgery and we can provide the majority of our patients a natural and final breast reconstruction ”, said Dr. Jaume Masià, President of the Spanish society of plastic surgery, reconstructive and aesthetic (SECPRE).

Coinciding with the celebration of the world breast cancer day last Wednesday, Dr. Masià noted that with these significant developments, we can improve the quality of life of women who, unfortunately, have experienced breast cancer, a disease which, despite medical advances and prevention campaignsstill affects 1 in 12 women in Spain ”.

At the moment, we are witnessing the beginning of a new stage in the integral treatment of breast cancer. In the words of the President of the SECPRE, now does have the tools and experience necessary to carry out a comprehensive recovery. Through the procedure TBAR (Total Breast Anatomy Restoration), the reconstruction of the breast is complemented by surgical treatment of lymphedema ”.

Double boarding

The technique of the TBAR consists in full restitution of anatomical changes that occur with oncological surgery of breast cancer. It’s getting a correction, both morphological and functional, of the consequences arising from the ablative surgery.

In this sense, – explained Dr. Jaume Masià – when we consider a mastectomy with axillary emptying or Sentinel lymph node, the objective focuses on replacing the breast amputated by the tissue of the body closest to lost within itself. We must also replace the nodes resecados with the emptying or biopsy of the Sentinel lymph node ”.

For breast reconstruction, with the treatment of the TBAR is used the DIEP technique, which consists in taking advantage of excess skin and fat in the abdomen at the sub-umbilical level vascularizando the through the perforating vessels of the inferior epigastric system. Depending on the pattern of mastectomy performed, it will be transported more or less amount of skin to the chest.

Lymph node functional restitution is made through vascularizada ganglia from the superficial epigastric system transfer to the armpit. These ganglia are extracted in a selective manner, without jeopardizing the lymphatic drainage of the legs, and dissecting the afferent lymphatic channels. In the same way, before making the axillary approach, make a lymphatic mapping of the arm through the EDP (the first lymph channels scanner) scanner to take away afferent lymphatic channels, which will join through an linfático-linfática anastomosis transferred nodes located ”, explained Dr. Masià on this technique.

In this way, – commented the specialist – will have restored the breast with the most similar to the original Breast skin and fatty tissue, and in turn, we replaced the vascularized nodes, which can be connected to the lymphatic network in the arm by a direct suturing of the afferent channels ”.

This type of approach represents a very significant step in the minimization of the consequences resulting from the treatment of breast cancer. The replacement of the breast after mastectomy and the practical elimination of the risk of developing Lymphedema modify even the landscape treatment of breast cancer, to be able to perform oncological surgery safer for patients, guaranteeing an excellent quality of life after treatment ”concluded the expert.