Not suitable COPD treatment may represent a high health cost.

introduces the clinical practice guide for the treatment of patients with COPD.

-Guide of clinical practice for treatment of patients with COPD reviews the scientific evidence regarding some of the guidelines of action against such disease

-The Guide defines the phenotypes of COPD which, alone or in combination, describe the differences between patients

– includes information intended for patients to achieve the involvement of stakeholders and a wider dissemination of the same to promote research in favour of the quality of life of patients

Madrid, June 2012.- Tuesday 19th was presented in Madrid guide for clinical practice for the treatment of patients with obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This guide has been prepared by the technologies health (UETS) of the Lain Entralgo agency evaluation unit, within the framework of the quality Plan of the national health system. The guide is part of the project GESEPOC, an initiative of the society Spanish of Pneumology thoracic surgery (SEPAR).

The guide includes aspects on treatment of patients with COPD in stable or undergoing phase and other treatments in relation to the cessation and the anxiety and depression of patients who suffer. Also, contains the description of those attributes of the disease than alone or combined to describe the differences between individuals with COPD.

It lays down a series of recommendations, based on the evidence, they will guide to health professionals in the treatment of the disease, as well as allowing them to make the best decisions about the problems posed by the care to patients with COPD. It is for this reason that it also includes specific information for patients and families in order to promote a normal life ”, explains Dr. Marc Miravitlles, pulmonologist and scientific coordinator of the Guide.

COPD is not a curable disease, but diagnosed and treatments available, can currently be achieved that the ailment not progress developmentally and significantly decrease the limitations in the daily life of the patient.

During the 19th day, on the day of presentation of the Guide, was embossed the latest developments with regard to the management of COPD, as well as material and information for patients with the aim of achieving the involvement of those affected; achieving the maximum spread of the disease to stimulate advances in research and in the care of the same quality.

This guide was developed by initiative of SEPAR, along with the Spanish society of physical medicine and rehabilitation and the Spanish society of respiratory rehabilitation (SERMEF-SORECAR), the Spanish society of General physicians and family (SEMG), the Spanish society of internal medicine (SEMI)Society of respiratory in primary care (GRAP), the Spanish society of Medicine of family and community (SemFYC), the Spanish society of physicians in primary care (SEMERGEN), the National Committee for the prevention of tobacco (CNPT), the Spanish Forum of patients and the Spanish society of accident and emergency medicine. It is currently available on the web and .


the prevalence of COPD reaches 10.2% of Spaniards and a significant increase in this figure is expected in the next few years since this disease is closely linked to tobacco. Approximately 25% of Spaniards older than 40 years and regular consumers of tobacco, will be affected by the development of this serious lung disease. Each year, in Spain, die 18,000 people who suffer from COPD, fact that makes it the leading cause of avoidable in Spain death and only disease preventable whose mortality is increased. COPD is a subtle disease with a slow evolution. Only 22% of its patients are diagnosed and underestimated or wrong diagnosis is between 56% and 85%. Of patients diagnosed and treated, a 61% do not follow treatment nor the conforming recommendations to regulations established by scientific societies; as that quitting is the first step to prevent progression of the disease. Despite being the fourth most diagnosed disease, COPD is a virtually unknown among the Spanish population; your symptoms or your risk factors are known in depth. The degree of ignorance of this disease is important. Therefore misinformation regarding COPD and little appreciation of their symptoms patients SEPAR calculates that the diagnosis of this respiratory condition below reaches 70 percent.