Acids Omega acids and soluble fibre. Large amount of food say carry these nutrients in its composition, and both doctors and nutritionists sing its praises to all the winds. But, in fact, why are they so good?

In principle, let things clara:type Omega acids and fiber do not cure diseases, nor are they the purge of Benito ”, as my grandmother. would It is a mistake to try to replace medical treatment or drugs with a specific function by consuming foods rich in this substances; but its preventive and healthy, qualities on the other hand, are beyond all doubt.

food functional ” are those who take such nutrients in its composition and can help development.They have beneficial effects in the metabolism of people and are antioxidant; fibre regulates intestinal transit and acids Omega strengthens the arteries and heart.

Fiber has an effective role as abundance of flora of the intestine;In addition, it increases the feeling of satiety and prevents constipation. The fiber is present in the whole foods (pasta, rice, bread, biscuits …), and there are also fiber-enriched milk diet.

On type Omega acids, its effects are cardio-protective; in other words, to protect the cardiovascular system. As serve to decrease the percentage of cholesterol bad ” in the blood, also prevent the formation of thrombi or clots.

Anyway, know that a healthy diet includes this type of nutrients completely naturally, so it is not necessary to buy and consume fortified foods or functional ” (more expensive than the currents) to be perfectly healthy, unless our doctor well so advise. Music and wine

Tags: monounsaturated fatty acids, Omega-3 acids, enriched foods, soluble fiber, soluble fiber properties