alcohol is behind almost half of serious politraumatismos revenues

day Toxicology update VII

-several studies demonstrate the relationship between admission to an area of resuscitation of the emergency service and consumption of drugs and alcohol

-cocaine and other designer drugs are gaining ground in hospital visits in the recent years, according to experts

Barcelona, January 2012- an investigation carried out by nurses of the Hospital Clínic team shows that the consumption of drugs and alcohol is directly related to admissions by serious politraumatismo, says the nurse responsible for the studyTeresa Echeverría, 7th day of update in Toxicology organized by the Hospital Clínic and area scientific Menarini. Other recent studies have shown the direct relationship between unemployment and consumption of drugs and alcohol.

The clinic research, conducted between July 2010 and June 2011, followed of 290 patients referred to the area of resuscitation of emergency room of the Hospital, where catering for the most critical patients. The presence of ethyl alcohol was detected in 44% of the samples and 19% had consumed some type of drug. “One of the conclusions of the investigation is that the average age of the injured by serious politraumatismo is very low (38 years) and in 95% have no prior medical history,” said Teresa Echeverría. “almost none of the cases get information on the background of these patients through their families”She adds. Clinic nursing service decided to conduct this study for “scientific evidence of a reality that no one disputed and posed the greatest risk factor for these accidents”, concludes.

A study of the Department of clinical sciences of the University of Lund (Sweden) posted a month ago shows that alcohol poisoning is the leading cause of care in emergencies by falling and that “the severity of the injury is directly related to the level of alcohol in blood”, according to the authors.

Consumption risk and unemployment

Several studies published in 2011 are the relationship between job loss and excessive consumption of alcohol and drug addiction. A paper published by the Institute of public health at the University of Copenhagen published in the journal European Journal of Public Health noted that alcohol abuse is directly linked with the loss of work and a prolonged unemployment situation, as well as “with the breakdown of a relationship”, according to the authors. Another study from the Institute of applied sciences of the University of Frankfurt published in Current Drug Abuse Reviews pointed out that “dangerous alcohol consumption is more common among the unemployed;” “as well as smoking and drug use.” Another of the conclusions is that “the use of these substances increases the likelihood of losing the job.” “Also, reduce the options to find and maintain employment”.

After alcohol, drugs have become an important factor associated with the genesis of these politraumatismos with opiates and cocaine to occupy a prominent place. Although sometimes laboratory analysis does not reveal what specific substance have consumed analyzed patients, the head of Toxicology of the Clínic, Dr. Santiago Nogué, asserts that “cocaine and the designer drugs are gaining ground against other substances in recent years”. Neurological assessment of these patients is more complex, making it difficult the decision on the adequate treatment, said.

One of the sessions of the day today focuses on the early use of cannabis, the illicit drug most used by young people around the world. In particular, the preliminary results of an investigation conducted by the Institute of medical research for the Hospital of the sea and the psychiatry service of the Clínic on the impact of the consumption of cannabis in adolescence are presented for the first time.

Finally, the experts gathered in Barcelona debate on other poisoning, such as botulism, which can have serious consequences. Although sometimes considered a disease “of the past”, as doctor Nogué, “must not forget that there are still cases of this poisoning from a faulty manipulation of food packed into the void”. Last year there was an outbreak of botulism in several Spanish provinces.