The Federal Public Ministry in Guarulhos filed a lawsuit to Anvisa (national health surveillance agency) requires that manufacturers of enxaguantes with mouth alcohol to inform on the packaging that the product can cause cancer.

the action cites a story published by the Leaf on a survey conducted in 2009, by Surgeon-Dentist Marco Ant̫nio Manfredini researcher of the Faculdade de Sa̼de P̼blica da USP (Universidade de Ṣo Paulo) Рbased on information from Associa̤̣o Brasileira da Ind̼stria de personal hygiene, Perfumery and cosmetic Рwhich States that the frequent use of mouthwash with alcohol, and is not essential to oral health, increases the risk of cancer of the mouth and pharynx.

according to the prosecution, from the publication of matter, introduced a civil investigation to assess the risks of the product. An opinion was requested of Anvisa.

in March 2010, the Agency stated that lacks evidence to relate your use of the product with the risk of


the action was forwarded with request for injunction – can pass to assert so is evaluated by a judge. The Anvisa reported that still had not received any notification about the action and, for now, don’t want to say on the subject
