All Spain experts held II Word coffee in Vigo.

-Convocados Novacaixagalicia Gerontology international school and the Sociedade Galega of Xerontoloxía and Xeriatría

-This particular meeting was part of the parallel activities of the second week of the international school of Gerontology held this year for the first time in A Coruña and Vigo

– participated in the Forum half a hundred specialized Geriatrics, social work, media professionals and other areas related to gerontology

-the World Caféorganized by Gerokon, materialized in a document with the main conclusions expressed by this group of specialists

-the rest of the program continued to develop in the school of Vigo Caixanova business (Avda. de Madrid) until Friday, July 15

-meet the ‘ generational chasm ’ passes through active ageing

-the II World coffee for the school international of Gerontology, with the scientific support of the SGXX, discusses the keys to the challenge of making an active ageing

Spain, 2011-August the Caixanova business school of Vigo hosted the II World coffee organised by Gerokón the parallel activities of the eleventh edition of the school international of Gerontology of Novacaixagalicia with the collaboration and the scientific endorsementSociedade Galega of Xerontoloxía and Xeriatría ífico, a novelty this year joined its two scenarios: A Coruña and Vigo, where he developed the remainder of the programme until Friday, July 15.

The Word coffee is a dynamics of work so that people from different areas can reflect on this issue and develop a set of conclusions. On this occasion he managed to bring together fifty environment of Gerontology experts from various fields such as Geriatrics, social work, care for older people, the specialized media, nursing or health care and the provision of services for older people. All these specialists analysed for several hours the challenges of active ageing. A global necessity which for the first time in the history of humanity the number of older people than the youth. That aging can offer many opportunities and alternatives for life if the society attends, preparing for it, because otherwise you will have to do against a ‘ generational tsunami ’ in 20 or 30 years where the aging will be an opportunity, not a problem.

In this environment, dealing with old age as a vital process and natural inescapable is essential to ensure the quality of life, because as he was concluded at that meeting, all people want to elderly women in the best possible physical and mental conditions and with the assurance of a legal and administrative systemState, health and social protect them, help and the opportunity to live with freedom of decision. But for this it is essential to prepare from children’s mentality, food, health, etc. without waiting to become greater and much-needed deep changes in education, by raising new generations about the vital process of old age, respect for elders, generational exchanges and the empowerment of the dignity of the elderlywithout promoting his paternalism for the existence of the freedom to choose the mode of life in the physical and mental potential. Also the development of policies for the prevention of dependence, the recovery of the law on assistance (dependence) and the specialized and specific training of professionals working in this sector.

Balance assistance among the world rural and urban, overcome models and social stereotypes that impose certain roles as caretaker woman resignation to meet all your older, especially in the rural Galician family and avoid the ‘ evil debate ’ of the sustainability of the system of social and health care policy only values in terms of profitabilityputting in value the importance of social services to the elderly. In this particular present in Vigo specialists were unanimous to ensure that such services can be profitable not only socially, but economically.

The international school of Gerontology continued on 14 and 15 July his central programme with the courses of “Marketing for the healthcare sector.” “How to improve the occupation of a residential centre carried out a commercial redirection” Aitor Pérez Artetxe “social networks and social intervention in gerontology” given by the Argentine Silvia Gascon.