(www.neomundo.com.ar) the negative emotions affect much more than mood. anger and sadness as amplify physical pain in women with Fibromyalgia as wrongly.

These conclusions reached by a study conducted by researchers from the University of Utrecht ( Netherlands), who published their results in the Journal Arthritis Care and Research.

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease that generates pain throughout the body and at points of maximum sensitivity as the joints, muscles and other soft tissues. In addition, this pathology has other symptoms such as fatigue, depression, anxiety and headaches. Still do not know for sure what causes this serious problem, which increasingly affects women between 20 and 50 years of age.

SADNESS and pain

the researchers worked with 121 women. About half of them had a Fibromyalgia and the rest were healthy. At the beginning of the experiment, the researchers asked that I remember a neutral circumstance for them. Then, each volunteer thought an event that angered and then one that made it became sad. In each of these moments the authors analysed as women responded to the painful stimulus.

Pain was induced through a flow of electricity that was going steadily up. The volunteers should inform at what point were beginning to feel the flow (threshold of sensitivity), when it became painful (pain threshold) and was diffused when unbearable (tolerance to pain).

Henriët van Middendorp, the lead author, said that they hoped that the anger and sadness increase pain with greater intensity in women with fibromyalgia. However, the results surprised them.

The researchers analysed the level of physical pain through thresholds voluntary marked in the course of the study and what he commented at the end of the experiment. Both healthy women and those suffering from Fibromyalgia expressed a greater pain when his State of mind was stained by the memories that generated them anger or sadness.

“awareness emotional pain can be particularly detrimental in people who already have high levels of pain.” “They should investigate new techniques to improve the control of emotions, awareness of the feelings, and how is experienced and processed,” said Van Middendorp.

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