Aspects of diabetes and obesity, work awarded by the Chair Tomás Pascual Sanz – Universidad CEU San Pablo.

recognition of advanced studies and home in the research

Madrid, December of 2011- the Faculty of pharmacy of the Universidad CEU San Pablo delivered last Monday, 5 December, in the annual ceremony in honor to his patron, the Immaculate Conception, the Chair Tomás Sanz Pascual in both its awards: groups of research and initiation to the research

“The award Chair Tomás Pascual Sanz – Universidad CEU San Pablo to research in nutrition and health, was the work published in Diabetes Care, whose title in Spanish is gestational diabetes modifies the concentration of AFABP and other adipocytokins in cord blood”signed by Henar Ortega Senovilla, Emilio Herrera Castillón, doctors of the Department of biology of the University San Pablo CEU, and five authors more.

In turn, award Chair Tomás Pascual Sanz – Universidad CEU San Pablo to the research work for the obtaining of the Diploma of advanced studies (DEA) was awarded to Francisco Hernández Nuño de la Rosa, for the work characterization of the model of obesity induced by the diet in Sprague-Dawley rats ”directed by Dr. Mariano Ruiz Gaius.

The celebration also gave awards of the Janssen-Cilag Chair to the work of initiation to research; the extraordinary thesis prizes and awards ‘ immaculate conception ’ introduction to research. was also recognized the role of the University of Chicago Graham School of Mgt. Liberal and Professional Studies.

They closed the Act interventions by Beatriz Pascual-Teresa, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Universidad CEU San Pablo, and of Elena Alba Alvaro Prize extraordinary career end.

Universidad CEU San Pablo

The Universidad CEU San Pablo, founded 75 years ago to form human and professionally to the future leaders of Spanish society, it is one of the three universities of social initiative and private management of the Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU, promoted by the Catholic Association of propagandists. The last academic year studied in them more than 8,360 students and conducted teaching about thousand teachers, with a joint rate of labor insertion of 98.4%.

The Universidad CEU San Pablo, who is making a bet for internationalization, wants to unite the excellent training of its students with a thorough training in the most genuine values of Christian humanism and Western culture.

Institute Tomás Pascual Sanz for nutrition and health

Dependent of the Fundación Tomás Pascual and Pilar Gómez-Cuétara, Institute Tomás Pascual Sanz is a non-profit which has the mandate to generate and disseminate outreach, study and analysis in the fields of food, nutritionthe health and correct habits of life.

The Institute transmits the values of a healthy lifestyle society, disseminates technological advances related to the health sciences and promotes the exchange of information, generating new possibilities between important collective and committing themselves to the maximum with the modern scientific society. The Instituto Tomas Pascual Sanz publishes the content of studies and papers in a large library that responds to the increasing demand on important issues such as nutrition, food security or physical activity.