avoid breaks in contraceptive methods and increase the use of methods of long-term measures to prevent unwanted pregnancies

XXIII Symposium of the Catalan society of contraception: myths and false beliefs in contraception ”. Barcelona 18-19 may 2012

-long-lasting methods are: the copper IUD, IUD with hormones, the implant filled and injectable progesterone quarterly.

-copper IUD use has a protective role front cervical cancer, while hormonal contraceptives prevent ovarian and endometrial cancer and do not pose any risk of increase of cáncer of breast

-the President of the Catalan society of contraception, Neus Prat, discourages the realization of breaks ” during the taking of a contraceptive method.

Barcelona, June of 2012. Women who use hormonal contraception do not require specific checks for this condition. The use of hormonal contraceptives samples a protective effect against ovarian and endometrial cancer ” has stressed Dr. Neus Prat, President of the Catalan society to contraception the Academy of medical sciences and health of Catalonia and Balearic Islands. As well as also explained that no evidence that relate them to an increased risk of breast cancer there is.

On the other hand, the copper IUD use in recent years if it is showing that has a protective role against cervical cancer ”, in turn breaks the myth that increased risk, explained Dr. Neus Prat.

The effectiveness of long-term contraceptives is very high and has great advantages because they are reversible, lasting and with high efficiency contraceptiva, require a single act which promotes compliance and high continuity. Despite these advantages are used relatively little compared with oral hormonal methods. Little use of this method deserves a reflection that can be considered a good alternative to reduce unwanted pregnancies.

Those attending the Symposium have talked about are the requirements that must be a contraceptive to be funded, what are the alternatives to the contraceptive hormones and if these may be taken without a break. In the latter case, the President of the Catalan society of contraception has discouraged the realization of breaks during the taking of a contraceptive method. Has not been shown that you provide no benefit to the health of women and, on the other hand, does an increase in unwanted pregnancies has been identified ”.

Part of contraception, the Symposium has dealt with the termination of pregnancy bioethical aspects and has presented some results of the first year of the implementation of the drug IVE in primary care.

Information about the Academy ”:

The Academy of medical sciences and health of Catalonia and Balearic Islands is an entity founded in 1872, with officially recognized legal personality, and is a forum and gathering place of professionals in the health of Catalonia, Balearic Islands, Valencia and Andorra. It is an institution at the service of the country independent and not linked to any official body.

Its purpose is to promote the study and the conreo of Sciences of health in all its aspects: human, technical, social and civic, both in its care as a teacher and research side.

It is a lively scientific community, the collective effort that adapts to the needs and scientific circumstances at the time, working in collaboration with other medical, biological and pharmaceutical, national and foreign companies, with a constant concern of progress.

It is the most important medical Corporation of our country, by the number of partners, more than 23,000. It consists of 80 scientific societies that bring together professionals in the health sciences. During the 2010-2011 the volume of scientific activities that were developed jointly was superior to 1700 acts and professionals who attended reached 40,000 people.

It is present around Catalonia and Balearic Islands, Valencia and Andorra, through its 22 subsidiaries and their special characteristics, fruit of the momentum of civil society, can be considered that it is an institution unique in the world.