Beaten today are going to give you the recipe for a good shake to lose weight and above all to care to fund your health. Will taking this shake every day help you lose weight and to care for you much more.

Smoothies are a source of energy, have minerals, high in fiber and help to lose weight although as I say they are not everything, they are a help are not miraculous but are very rich and are composed of fruits and vegetables. They bring us energy, purify and purified the body detoxify it and produce us the feeling of satiety. to the milkshake need, one Apple, two stalks of celery, a piece of ginger, two slices of pineapple and a carrot. We must wash all the components, since we will beat with skin. less carrot and ginger.

Juice is delicious and is ideal to consume it at first time, at breakfast, to get the nutrients of all fruit and already know once done we should take it, should not it because the fruit lost its vitamins.

Viton works on your own from home

Tags: healthy food, milkshakes energy, slimming tips