Biological therapies could improve the treatment of many patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, the first cause of death of the patient with cirrhosis

-the experts insist on the need to improve the prevention of this type of tumor in the identified population at risk. In Spain affects almost exclusively Cirrhotic patients

– each year are diagnosed 4,000 new cases of hepatocellular carcinoma in our country. Mortality remains high

-hepatocellular carcinoma is currently the most common liver tumor worldwide

Seville, June of 2011- now in Spain the population at risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma is correctly identified. However experts say that this type of tumor early diagnosis programmes are not being in many of these patients. This is one of the major challenges that were discussed during the round table of Hepatocellular Carcinoma, which was held on the afternoon of the last Friday in Seville in the framework of the sixth week of the diseases digestive (SED 2011), the scientific meeting of reference in the field of Gastroenterology, organized by the Spanish society of digestive pathology (EDPS), which held its annual Congress LXX and it has brought together more than 1,000 experts in Seville.

Hepatocellular carcinoma is currently the most common liver tumor worldwide, and has been an increase in the incidence in the Western world. It is the fifth most common cancer in men and the eighth in women, and annually leads to half a million deaths. In Spain are increasing this type of tumor patients: about 4,000 new cases diagnosed each year. Their mortality rate remains high, with an overall survival at 5 years of 10-15% of patients.

Although factors such as obesity and diabetes influence each time with more intensity on the development of carcinoma, the main risk factor develops this tumor is liver cirrhosis. However, according to experts, yet is still diagnosed many patients in advanced stages, without being curative treatment possible.

This is particularly serious if we take into account the growing link between early diagnosis and potentially curative treatment. In this regard Dr. Bruno Sangro, Director of the unit of hepatology of the Clínica Universitaria de Navarra, considered is needed a greater awareness of society and the doctors, both generalists as specialists, to achieve the population susceptible to this disease, such as patients with cirrhosis, are integrated into effective screening programmes ”.

On the other hand experts have also noted the willingness of sections within the services of Gastroenterology Hepatology as a key factor to facilitate the management of patients with advanced cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma.
New therapeutic options

Another aspect addressed during the round table of the EDPS is the opening of a new stage therapeutic for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma, given that recent developments in the particles to be used for locoregionales treatments and is being investigated the promising combination with biological therapies in different stages. The demonstration that a biological agent is active in advanced disease has done that his employment in most early stages of the disease is studying ” emphasizes Dr. Bruno Sangro.

Up quite soon, hepatocellular carcinoma was one of few malignancies for which we did for systemic treatments of proven efficacy, so this demo is a hopeful development in the treatment ”, concludes Dr. Sangro. This research has opened the door to other biological agents which have entered into various stages of clinical development for the treatment of this tumor.

Spanish society of digestive pathology (EDPS)

The EDPS is a scientific and professional organization non-profit, which is 78 years of existence and currently brings together more than 2,100 associated physicians. It is oriented to the promotion and dissemination of research and knowledge in the field of digestive diseases, health promotion and preventive diagnóstico-terapéuticos Basic, epidemiological aspects, as well as the promotion of its practical application, with the aim to be a reference for specialists in digestive systemrelated specialties and general population and an ally of the Administration and social partners.

Between the end of the EDPS stresses the promote the formation of multicenter and multidisciplinary groups to carry out basic, epidemiological research and clinics in the field of digestive diseases, and maintaining scientific relations and links with similar or related companies, as well as with academic institutions, and any other institution interested in the development of the pathology digestive.