The theatre of the Faculty of medicine University of São Paulo (FMUSP) receives the third edition of journey of biosecurity and health research in the area on Monday (29), from 8:30.


the journey aims to clarify concepts and risk assessments of regulatory standards in the area of biosafety. The event is intended to prinicpalmente servers top and middle levels of schooling that develop activities in Medical research laboratories (LIMs) of the Hospital das Clínicas and other laboratory areas FMUSP.

those interested should register at the registry of the Board of Executive Directors of LIMs, located at AV. Dr. Arnaldo, 455, Cafe 2319, Cerqueira César, São Paulo. The registration fee is $ 20.00 for employees of HC FMUSP and and the other participants r $ 50,00 for


the full program can be given on the website of

LIMs.More information:

(11) 3061-7273 or 3061-7244