Cancer of the bladder.

-tumors can progress

-Can penetrate the muscular layer of the bladder, which makes that it happens to be a tumor located in metastatic

Spain, 2011-August tumors bladder malignant, are mostly diagnosed when they are superficial, non-invasive, i.e., are located in the mucosa which is the outermost part of the bladder and manifest themselves with blood in the urine.

Explains Dr. Elias Mora Kumboz, medical urologist, in these cases, Transurethral resection of bladder by endoscopic route, is still the best alternative.

The big problem is that these tumors after treated with Transurethral resection can resort or progress. To decrease the likelihood that resort or progress is placed, after Transurethral resection of the bladder, tuberculosis vaccine. There is a treatment protocol and has been to diminish the recurrence, ” said.
However, these tumors can progress, i.e., penetrate the muscular layer of the bladder, which makes it change from being localized to metastatic tumor

adds doctor Mora Kumboz that results have been achieved so far to apply chemotherapy in advanced state, despite the fact that there is a new scheme of treatment, have not been as effective as expected.

When the tumor infiltrates the muscular layer of the bladder, surgery remains the best alternative. For men, is the total removal of the bladder and prostate. While in women, as well as the bladder are removed the matrix and the ovaries. Becomes a new bladder with intestinal and must be anastomosar to the urethra so that the patient is urinating in a natural way, i.e., spontaneous urination.

Of course, this has its advantages, disadvantages and its complications, however, is a well-established technique and many patients are very well.

The other form of surgery is to practice the urostomy, which involves placing an external bag at the bottom of the abdomen, a widely used in such cases alternative.

At the same time being bladder preservation protocols. If the patient does not want surgery or is at high risk, to apply chemotherapy combined with radiation therapy to see if they remove the tumor, this alternative has its detractors and supporters and the results as a therapeutic option are to be seen.

In all cases the patient should discuss options with your physician.