Born DiaBalance, the first specific brand for diabetics .

with health and Grupo Leche Pascual ESTEVE experience in nutrition.

-DiaBalance, belonging to BalanceLabs, provides solutions to help people with diabetes to live normally and make your day easier to

-DiaBalance will be two major lines of products in pharmacies and supermarkets and hypermarkets

Barcelona, April of 2013.- the pharmaceutical ESTEVE and Grupo Leche Pascual food have joined their respective experiences in health and nutrition to create DiaBalance, the first brand that offers products and services exclusively for the needs of people with diabetes and their environment. With the guarantee provided by the support of two large companies, DiaBalance focuses on providing solutions in all areas faced people with these special needs in their metabolism. It does so by providing information, advice and solutions for the community of diabetics and their environment, through the portal and with a wide range of specific products. provides support and extensive information about exercise, food, diets balanced for each user profile, as well as practical information about complications associated with diabetes, and to share experiences and tips in a community composed of diabetics, family members and health professionals. All this, with texts, links and audiovisual content.

In the words of Director Gerente de BalanceLabs José Ramón Pérez, DiaBalance was created to bring normalcy to the lives of people with diabetes. We want to meet the needs of a broad sector of the population that requires specific products and services ”.

Diabetes is a major public health problem. According to the study (Diabetology. Jan 2012; Vol. 55, Issue 1, 88-93), affects the 13.8% of Spaniards. People with diabetes have specific needs in nutrition and exercise, two fundamental aspects for the adequate control of the disease.

DiaBalance-informative portal

Precisely in order to help maintain better control of the life cycle of people with diabetes and to make their lives as normal, healthy and balanced as possible, DiaBalance launches the website .

With a wide range of audiovisual resources, the portal is organized into sections, so that the user directly accesses the information that interests you under the headings of food, live with diabetes, habits, health, care, and prevention. In staying from basic explanations, studies and research in course on diabetes and treatments available to advice on travel, sexuality and pregnancy. To incorporate new functions include the creation of a community meeting for patients and health professionals.

DiaBalance also has accounts and profiles at social networks like Twitter , Facebook and YouTube , to spread its support to the community of diabetics in search of more dialogue and interaction with them.

DiaBalance specific products for diabetes.

After the creation of range products reach immediately the pharmacies DiaBalance Expert for specific needs.

Shops and supermarkets, among other establishments, marketed, in turn, food DiaBalance created for everyday situations, within the framework of a balanced diet.

About BalanceLabs

Created in 2012 with headquarters in Spain, BalanceLabs is a company dedicated to the development of food products and services to people with special, such as the diabetes metabolic needs, helping them to better control their life cycle and to make your life as easy, healthy and balanced as possible. To do this, the company combines experience and ESTEVE health innovation and leadership in nutrition and feeding of Grupo Leche Pascual.