The population is informed about more establishments close to the residence by means of mobile message.


simply send mobile message to the number 27397 informing the ZIP CODE of residence (only numbers without signs graphics) that, in a few seconds, the user of the Popular Pharmacy will be dealt with suggestions for program units closer to the residence. On the phone display, accurate information about the name, address and phone of up to three pharmacies where the user can obtain, free of charge, medicines for hypertension and diabetes. The message via SMS is one of the innovative actions – and without any cost to the population – of the informational campaign “Health is priceless”, coordinated by the Ministry of health, which began to be aired this week and follows until the day of the next March 28.

the service of receiving information about accredited establishments to the program by means of “torpedo” will be available during 30 days. The campaign also includes videos for TV and radio jingles, posters, folders and advertisements in magazines, newspapers, internet and municipal securities (information published usually in bus stops). The presenter Hebe Camargo and actor Edson Celulari are the stars of the campaign, whose soundtrack is the song “better days” of the pop band Jota Quest. The population still have access to more information about the people’s Pharmacy and medicines available in the program by hotsite

Since the last day 14, the Brazilian population now have free access to medicines for hypertension and diabetes 11 in more than 15 thousand pharmacies and drugstores of accredited private network to Here Have Popular Pharmacy and also in 544 own units (administered by the federal Government) program. To get the products, the user must submit CPF, document with photo and prescription, which is required by the program as a way of avoiding self-medication, while encouraging the rational use of medicines and health promotion.

in addition to free medicines for hypertension and diabetes, Here Has Popular Pharmacy offers over 13 types of medicines with 90% off used in the treatment of asthma, rhinitis, Parkinson, osteoporosis and glaucoma, and diapers
