Carnitine is of no use for a healthy person, even for a person who carries out abundant physical exercise. In other words, there is no study that has shown that the practice of customary or intense exercise decreases our amount of carnitine. Moreover, it is absorbed through dietary supplements is really complicated and would require large amounts (hence the futility of fortified foods in L-carnitine ”).

Is for this reason that when medicine hand of carnitine, through subcutaneous injection and prevents clearly their adverse affects. But when is the carnitine used? there are a series of rare genetic disorders (myopathies mitoncodriales) where mitochondria (the part of the cell to obtain energy burning sugars or fats) do not work correctly and is in these cases that are prescribed the use of carnitine with coencima Q10 (or ubiquinone) to try to mitigate the deterioration of the nervous system and therefore the muscles. But we need to clarify that these rare diseases cause serious Muscular Dystrophies and usually degenerative. And a regret of all therapeutic use is limited pending research and bibliographic reviews that confirm these benefits.

In spite of everything, and for not sinking to the promoters of this substance, and in honor of the truth, if there is a clinical research in mice where the combination of garcinia combogia, carnitine and certain proteins of soy has proven to be effective in preventing the accumulation of deep abdominal fat in obese specimens due to a diet too rich in fat. But that if, in mice, meanwhile for medicine continue clinical trials have been scrapped by ineffective.

Tags: carnitine