
The Hospital Clinic of Barcelona has carried out a study that seems to be quite clear that both the loss of memory and language disturbances and lack of care in adult ages have much to do with levels of cholesterol in the blood.

And it is that all of us for, it is nothing new, the fact that cholesterol is bad for health, but this new discovery sheds a little light on which are the negative effects of cholesterol. the study was conducted on people with hypercholesterolemia, a significant increase in cholesterol from birth, and more than 22 percent gave positive a test used to detect cognitive impairment. What gives faith, that there is a relationship.

Due to this discovery, may begin to raise awareness of all those people who suffer from cholesterol and the need for immediate against this evil action, that we not only put at risk the health of our heart, If not also of our brain.

Enviable health new time

Tags: bad cholesterol, medical studies, cholesterol risks