(www.)NEOMUNDO.COMAR / UNAM – DGCS – bulletin 145) the problem of climate change is the most serious facing humanity in the Twenty-first century, to have an impact on the thermal balance of the planet.

More than 50% of the Earth’s surface has been modified on a par of the marine ecology, transformed by intensive for various purposes, he warned in the UNAM, Mario Molina, Nobel Prize in chemistry, in the framework of the fifth National Congress of the Academy of engineering.

Currently, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is higher than 40% which has existed over the past half a million years.

Continue this trend, in less than a century the chemical composition of the Earth will be changed in a similar way to the geological event of the Paleocene–Eocene thermal maximum, which meant the increase of the average temperature of the planet more than five degrees, which occurred over a period of 20 thousand years.

Need to make changes

“If we do not drastically change the volume of emissions that we have today, the temperature could climb to seven degrees Celsius, similar to an era glacial or interglacial change.” “Is considered high risk, not sure of the consequences this would have for the economic development of societies”.

The expert explained that the increase in the accumulation of gas in the Earth’s atmosphere is explained by the burning of fossil fuels, combined with the growing deforestation. By affecting photosynthesis, alters the speed in which regenerates the oxygen, explained.

The winner of prize of the program of United Nations Environment Programme, noted that according to the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel of climate change the probability that the concentration of carbon dioxide is connected with the modification of the average temperature in the world is estimated at 90%.

The ends are TOUCHING

Most worrying of the phenomenon are the climate extremes such as floods and droughts recorded in national territory. Although they may not be attributed to climate change, intensified significantly for this cause.

Our generation has a responsibility to future generations inherit a favourable economic development, to ensure a high standard of living for most of the population of the planet, in whose design must contribute all over the globe, ended.

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