COCEMFE welcomed bet prevention in chronic patients.

-the Government will launch an innovative strategy for the boarding of the patients Crónicos

-Will be materialize the bet by the prevention of diseases that end up causing disabilities

-COCEMFE requests improve health partner coordination and update the catalogue CPO

Madrid, March 2012.- the Spanish Confederation of people with physical disability and organic (COCEMFE) wants to show his satisfaction following the announcement made yesterday by the Minister of healthSocial services and equality, Ana Mato, the launching of an innovative strategy for the boarding of the Crónicos patients.

The President of COCEMFE, Mario Garcia, has pointed out that this initiative could revolutionize the national health system to impact very positively on the quality of life of 20 million chronically ill in the country ”.

The announced strategy is, according to Mario García, a source of satisfaction because you will be materialize the bet by the prevention of diseases that end up causing disabilities that included the law on public health adopted last year ”.

Policies aimed at the prevention of health problems help to reduce the incidence and prevalence of certain diseases, injuries and disabilities and attenuate its negative consequences ”, notes García.

COCEMFE believes that the continuum of care announced by the Government through the integration of primary and hospital care will undoubtedly affect the health of patients, which in turn will become the Centre of the system and learn how to take care of your health in the new schools network.

Similarly, COCEMFE recalls that many of the shortcomings suffered by persons with disabilities and their families in their living conditions come motivated by the rigid separation between health services and social welfare in Spain. By what it considered essential to eliminate lack of coordination between the two systems, remainder effectiveness to the actions and negatively affects people who need both services together and simultaneously.

For the President of COCEMFE, is taking important steps towards the achievement of a genuine area of public health with initiatives like this ” and remember that is still a pending update providing prosthetics of the national system of health that remains stuck in the past with conceptions and outdated criteriathat does not serve to improve the quality of life and autonomy of persons with disabilities. In this sense, we need to invest in new technologies and to include materials, such as aluminium, titanium or carbon fiber ”.

The Spanish Confederation of people with physical disability and organic (COCEMFE) is a non-governmental non-profit that was founded in 1980. It aims to unite, strengthen and form coordinate the efforts and activities of the entities working in favour of persons with disabilities physical and organic to defend their rights and improve their quality of life. The entity brings together more than 1,360 organizations divided into autonomous confederations, State entities and provincial federations, which in turn, grouped to different local associations.