conclusions of the forum for primary care physicians

Madrid, February 2012.- yesterday was held at the headquarters of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP), a new forum of doctors in primary care, composed by the Spanish Association of Pediatrics of primary care (pediatricians)the Confederation, State medical unions (CESM), the College medical organisation (WTO), the Spanish society of physicians in primary care (SEMERGEN), the Spanish society of family medicine and community (semFYC), the Spanish society of General physicians and family (SEMG) and the Spanish society of paediatric Extrahospitalaria and primary care (SEPEAP), which on this occasion, serving as host.

At the end of it, the representatives of these entities have appealed to responsibility and sound management of health resources by administrations, with the objective of offering citizens a quality of care quality.

On the other hand, and at the recent cuts practised in the different autonomous communities, the Forum representatives believe that other management measures to ensure the effectiveness of the national system of health, such as for example, cut the bureaucracy that often assume these professionals must take into account. In this sense, they insist in pointing out that cuts in health only involve an overload for the professionals, and consequently, a deterioration in health care. Therefore, remember that health management must be in the hands of health professionals.

Similarly, the representatives of these companies have announced that on April 12 will be held the day of primary care, which expected the involvement of other professional groups, as it is the case of economists, as well as the general population. In addition, have reiterated his disagreement with the primary care lose decision-making capacity.

Finally, made reference to the enormous concern that exists among the medical profession by the stoppage of career development is happening in some autonomous communities.