Conclusions of the XXV Congress Aragonese of attention primary.

Zaragoza, November 2011- below the conclusions of the XXV Congress Aragonese of primary care. The journalist and filmmaker Luis Alegre has been responsible for providing the closing conference doctors of cinema ”:

1. It is necessary to implement prevention programs of the cardiovascular risk factors, which have been dealt with during the Congress, such as arrhythmias, Dyslipidemia, diabetes, tobacco etc …, in order to improve the harmful habits among the population and thus to reduce the morbidity and mortality of our patients.

2. It is desirable to establish channels of cooperation between different levels care, medical, family and doctors from hospitals, which can establish plans for joint action, whose shaft is the family physician and, without any doubt, their results will have impact on improving the assistance we provide to the citizens.

3 The family medicine in undergraduate studies and postgraduate, should strengthen the training of new specialists and knowledge of the family medicine is essential for the future of our specialty, and so the experiences of all the teams of Aragon primary care family doctors should be usedboth rural and urban areas.

4 Must be to relaunch in Aragon primary care through a suitable rearrangement of resources, reduce the bureaucratic burden and streamline processes of selection and mobility to ensure stability in the templates, as well as recognize the work and effort devoted by primary care physicians and return a greater level of satisfaction.

5 Is desirable to improve the management of the community-based emergency through the development of common protocols by the three parties involved (primary health care teams, 061 and hospital emergencies) giving it means Diagnostics, personnel and sufficient displacement vehicles to ensure a quality service.

6 It is imperative that pharmaceutical prescription thinking only in the clinical safety of patients and only following contrasted and technical criteria of effectiveness, referred to in the free prescription from the doctor, to avoid desorientaciones in users by changes of formats and feature of drugs, problems of intolerance and allergy by the different excipients which might lead and problems of adherence to treatment in patients Polimedicados.