Constituted the Board of welfare health services and consulting.

new company of the PSN group.

Madrid, December of 2011. Forecasting health services and consultancy, the new PSN group company, has formed its Board of Directors, consisting of the following health professionals:

-Miguel Carrero, President of PSN mutual, parent company of the group. Born in Santiago de Compostela, in 1941, is specialist in traumatology. He has been head of section at the Juan Canalejo Hospital in La Coruña and President of the College of physicians in the same province. It has also chaired Union professional of Galicia and the Foundation Ad Qualitatem.

-Esteban Ímaz, Secretary PSN mutual. Born in Echarri Aranaz (Navarra), in 1949, it is doctor who specializes in family, internal and endocrinology. exercise as head physician in the health-Osasunbidea Navarro service. He has been Vice President of medical school, Navarre.

-Miguel Morgado, Adviser on PSN mutual. Born in 1934 in Torremocha (Cáceres), is medical specialist in family and Pediatrics Chair medical school Cádiz.

-Manuel Pérez, Adviser on PSN mutual. Born in 1957 in Osuna (Seville), is a pharmacist and President of the College of Seville.

-Rodolfo Castillo, President of the College of physicians of Murcia. Born in 1960 in Melilla, it is family and geriatric specialist. He has been President of CESM primary care in the territory Insalud.

-Julio López Gimón, President of the College of veterinarians of Badajoz. Born in 1948 in Maguilla (Badajoz), coordinates the Office veterinary medicine of Mérida from the Board of Extremadura.

-Francisco Parra, President the College of physicians of Albacete. Born in Albacete in 1954, he is a specialist in family and exercised in the health service of Castilla – La Mancha (Sescam).

-Francisco López Barcenilla, President of the College of Chiropodists of Castilla – La Mancha, Spain. Born in 1959 in Valenzuela (Córdoba), it is an expert in Biomechanics of the lower member and diabetic foot and exercises on their own.

The new company of PSN has agglutinated activities that came before making four different companies. The purpose of this merger is to optimize resources and promote new projects that offer added value to mutualists in particular and to the University professional world in general. In particular, activities that will play the new company are among others, those related to data protection and consultancy in quality management systems and computer developments for clinical, collectives and professional health, from websites to services window only.