
is something very important for several reasons, its deficiency can cause serious damage both the mother and the fetus. Therefore, do not neglect in your diet, the contribution of iodine, so as to avoid serious problems both you and him drunk.

Lack of iodine can cause greater possibility of abortion or premature delivery by MOM or in the case of the baby, raises the risk for problems in brain maturation, psychomotor damage, hearing disorders, syndrome of hyperactivity or attention, including deficit. iodine consumption varies according to sex, age and physiological state, in the case of pregnant women as appropriate is no less of 250 micrograms a day, you can get by consuming iodized salt, milk and fish of sea.

First trimester of gestation is key since the embryo does not possess even a thyroid gland, or is not mature, and during the formation of the new life, thyroid hormone is essential for the embryo and fetus, brain maturation that specify the thyroid of the mother

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Tags: food pregnancy, pregnancy, pregnancy nutrition care