It is common for most of the people criticizing her body with respect to his physical appearance and possible overweight; however, despite being fairly common, it can seriously affect mental health.


Criticize our body and outcomes of talks negative about physique of a person, result in greater chance of depression.

according to research done by the University of Arizona, there are many negative results regarding talks ‘ harmless ’ about the physical image of a person in regards to its physical complexion; the study which was carried out to determine these results was conducted among 33 women and 24 college-age men, which they made a weekly questionnaire for a month.

Undertaken in these questionnaires, questions included the following:

  • What so satisfied you feel with your body?
  • Do you feel pressure social to keep you thin?
  • How often do you feel depressed?
  • Do you think have low or high self-esteem?
  • What so often talk about overweight with your friends?

With regard to the last question, topics that touch more when we discuss issues associated with the weight with friends, are taking care of the food ( should I stop eating this ”), fears over weight gain ( not stand being a fat person ”), perception – commonly exaggerated – about the own complexion ( I am quite fat ”) and of coursecompare to others with the complexion/habits that they would like to have ( why not I can see me so? ”).

Between more often were involved in talks and criticism relating to the weight, individuals of both sexes showed higher rate of depression and low self-esteem with the results obtained in the questionnaires in question, as it is reported in MNN.

Is interesting to mention that the media (contrary to what he believes) do not play a very large role in the little satisfaction that can feel a person with regard to their weight and physical complexion compared to the messages that can be obtained through criticism becomes a single person and his circle of close friends.

The best thing you can do when you want to lose weight is put hands to work and stop being so hard with oneself, as instead of motivate, mental and physical problems will only lead; we have written several articles about as weight loss, and will surely find something that will be helpful.