medicine CTO returns to destroy the top five

final results MIR 2012

CTO medicine becomes one more year as a centre of reference in the preparation of the review MIR after the results obtained in the last call for January 2012.

Madrid, may 2012- A year over the outstanding results achieved by the CTO medical students in the access to the MIR exam test, made possible that the Center remains leader in specialized medical training.

The top five of this call are students who have gone through the classrooms of CTO medicine to form in the MIR exam preparation. In addition, note the following data that support the leadership of the institution.

-14 among the 16 first

-26 among the 32 first

-38 among the 50 first

-76 between the first 100 …

the key to success is the method of study, throughout its 28 years of experience, has become a proven and efficient way to achieve the best results through the different tools, materials, and resources tailored for their students: videoclases, generators and simulations of exams, mental maps, webcasts of courses or forums with tutors.

Therefore, CTO medicine is the leading company in the training of medical specialists, having successfully educating more than 50,000 doctors who get the best results in the examination each year and access the best places of training of specialists offered in Spain.

A work that last March received recognition from the Ministry of health of the community of Madrid which granted Group CTO medicine plate of silver of the health Madrid as regards national, to achieve better preparation of students for the examination of physicians internal residents (MIR), work resulting for the health system Madrid.

Group CTO

Group CTO, to which it belongs CTO medicine, is a postgraduate Center with more than 28 years of experience, dedicated to the preparation of health professionals in Spain and Latin America, Hacienda oppositions convened by the Ministry and masters in various areas.

A trajectory of more than 28 years and its excellent method of study, have become you the academic institution with more prestige and better results in the preparation of the review of access to medical training places specialized MIR and EIR achieving 80 per cent of the specialists in our country have gone through their classrooms.