führte eine Untersuchung, die diese Schlussfolgerungen. ″quizas erreicht, da so viele Menschen eine Diagnose erhalten und anschließend mit Erfolg behandelt werden, die Zeichen der Depression nicht Wecker in die Freunde und Familie generieren”, erklärt.

Perry arbeitete mit Menschen, die an verschiedenen Krankheiten litten) mental severe, such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or severe cases of depression. all were being treated for the first time by these pathologies. the expert analyzed thoroughly its relations with family and friends to find out the accompaniment that made during the disease.

and it turned out that volunteers with mental disorders common and socially accepted, like depression, not generated a reaction important relatives and friends. as result, not it gave much support to the ill person or accepted them when they had behavior abnormal.

with conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, which are more easily, very often that acquaintances and strangers to discriminate against and reject sick people but that friends and relatives support them fence. Perry warns: “the emotional support of day to day have an essential role in the recovery of a disease mental″.

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