Brussels, 26 (EUROPA PRESS)

the European Commission continues to work on a proposal to review the current regulations governing the tobacco products, but has not yet decided if possible include the generic packet model, said Wednesday Health Commissioner, John Dalli, who has ensured that in any case it will help that smoking”ceases to be attractive”.

Dalli explained in a press conference that the provisions of the new directive”they are still object of discussion”in the bosom of the EU Executive and therefore has avoided disclosing if standardized tobacco cigarette or the prohibition of some additives are ideas that are on the table.

the Commissioner has reminded that smoking stop a high number of deaths in the European Union every year and has warned that 70 percent of smokers started smoking before the age of 18.

“(Mit diesen Daten) das Ziel ist klar, wir müssen aufhören, attraktiv für die jungen vor allem für junge Frauen, da die Statistiken sagen, dass es (bei Frauen) in denen mehr gestiegen”, der Kommissar.


Brüssel beabsichtigt, ihren Vorschlag zur Überarbeitung im Herbst dieses Jahres vorzulegen, obwohl kein klares Datum für diesen Zweck.