Madrid, 2 Aug (EFE).-the pharmacological supplements of vitamin D, with or without calcium, decreases the risk of osteoporotic fractures and falls in patients at risk, according to noted today the Spanish society of family and community (SEMFYC) medicine.

in a press release, the SEMFYC explained that, while there is a consensus with regard to this aspect, yet there is no scientific evidence supporting the use of this vitamin in other diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer.

according to the Member of the Group of nutrition of the SEMFYC, Joaquín San José, are underway “several studies whose results provided for within four or five years will respond to these questions”.

a serious vitamin D shortage may cause disease in the bone at growth, such as rickets, and in the adult, such as osteomalacia. bone

the family doctors have pointed out that it is advisable reach 20 nanograms/mm daily vitamin D in blood, what is achieved in Eighty per cent, through the synthesis by the skin after exposure to solar.

the rest of vitamin D can be obtained by the intake of certain foods such as oily fish, eggs, mushrooms or dairy enriched.

San Jose recalled that the basic needs of this micronutrient are hardly covered resorting to food as the only source, which conditions that, in some cases, are necessary supplements pharmacological.

according to the SEMFYC, D is “something more than a vitamin”, since it is the precursor to one of the main hormones in our body, the 1, 25O HD (calcitriol), responsible for regulating the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the body.

< p> Bild zeigt eine Tablette Vitamin D. WireImage