WASHINGTON (Reuters) – in ein paar Tagen dieses Monats, Grönland Eis Blatt Bilder aufgenommen von der NASA wurde rot, gibt an, dass die Oberfläche der riesige gefrorene Insel für einen Moment fast alle schmelzen war.

dem großen Tauwetter in Grönland ist ein Indikator für eine ungewöhnlich warmen Jahreszeit in der Arktis, von denen ein Großteil der Strecke zwischen Westeuropa und dem Pazifik nicht mehr Ice im Juli etwas die gegen Ende des Sommers, normal wäre hat, sagte der Leiter der nationalen USA-Schnee und Eis-Rechenzentrum Mittwoch.

im Durchschnitt die Hälfte der Gletscheroberfläche Grönlands schmelzen, nach Osten NASA. Sommer, Satelliten zeigte, dass 97 % der Eisschild brach irgendwann in Mitte-Juli.

die Änderung war schnell, siehe die Bilder hingen in http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2012/24jul_greenland/.

8. Juli hatte eine große weiße in der Mitte der Fläche, die darauf hingewiesen, dass 40 Prozent der Fläche Grönlands geschmolzen worden war. 12 th Juli praktisch überall auf der Insel erschienen in rot, das zeigt eine generalisierte Tauwetter.

für Mark Serreze, Direktor und leitender Forscher des nationalen Datenzentrums aus Eis und Schnee in den Vereinigten Staaten, eine interessante Sache geschah in Grönland ist seine Relative Seltenheit.

diese Art der totale Zusammenbruch kann alle 150 Jahre mehr oder weniger in Grönland, die würde es eines ungewöhnlichen Ereignis aber nicht beispiellos, sagte Serreze von Tel. übergeben

erklärte jedoch, die “most of the precedents occurred around a period 7,000 years ago known as maximum heat of the Holocene, when the variations in the inclination of the Sun on its axis sent more sunlight at more northerly latitudes, by heating them.

now, there is no inclination solar, but thaw occurs equal. information from NASA, published on Tuesday, came after it was revealed last week that an iceberg with an area of 181 square kilometers, almost double than the island of Manhattan, split from the glacier Petermann of Greenland.

Ice as a Swiss cheese

” what we are seeing in Greenland really only is part of a general vision a very warm summer thaw in the Arctic “, said Serreze.

the scientist said than in much of the Arctic ice is in a”pitiful state”, with an increasingly more thin layer, with holes as if it were a Swiss cheese that can be seen in images of high resolution satellite

when situated in the land of Greenland ice sheet melts, it can have an effect on the level of the sea. when the sea ice in the Arctic melts, you may have a small impact on sea level but a great impact on the weather of the northern hemisphere, prompting some experts to qualify the Arctic as the air-conditioning of the Earth.

right now, explained Serreze, the Arctic ice is in the lowest rank of the records of the satellite for this time of year, and road to be similar to 2007, when the Arctic ice recorded the smallest size which it transpires in data collected by satellite and probably their smaller size in hundreds of years.

the satellites began to monitor the Arctic in 1979, and observations made from ships and previous aircraft provide adjusted data of the past 60 years approximately. to check the ice cap in the past, scientists examined samples in the glaciers and other tests.

known as the Northwest Passage, a sea route from the Atlantic to the Pacific that traverses the Arctic, was opened for the first time in 2007. Serreze not speculated on whether the path will open this year, saying that it would depend on the currents and the winds in the region. said that the ice sheet in the Chukchi Sea off the coast of Alaska was almost normal.

However, the step eastward from the North Atlantic to the Pacific shows open sea as far north as it would be normal in September, the month when the Arctic ice usually comes to your tiefster Punkt.