new YORK (Reuters Health) – hospitalizations

paediatric abuse they grew up in the United States in last decade

, and one study suggests that such an increase would be by the crisis

housing from the end of the 2000s.

to review statistics for the 2000-2009 period, the

hospitalizations for physical abuse in pediatric hospitals of the

country reached its peak in 2008, when they started

the executions of mortgages in many regions of the country.

and, in general, to increased the amount of debts

and foreclosures in different areas of the country, also

they did hospitalizations for abuse children.

this does not prove that the housing crisis is the culprit.

“this type of study does not prove cause, but only one

Association”, said the lead author, Dr. Joanne N. Wood,

of the Hospital for children in Philadelphia.

the results, published in Pediatrics, arise from a base

the care centres hospital discharge data

Pediatric large cities between 2000 and 2009, is

recorded some 11,800 children by abuse international

physique of children under six years in 38 hospitals.

that represents 0.28 percent of the 4.2 million of

international totals.

over the years, this rate varied: in 2008 reached if level

maximum of 0.3 percent.

then, the team studied the rates of unemployment and lack of

housing of each city. by each percentage increase of the

executions of local mortgages, hospitalisations

Pediatric physical abuse grew 6.5 percent the year

following. it was observed the same pattern when the team revised

< p"> charges of breach of the mortgages to 90 days.

on the other hand, did not emerge any association between unemployment and

stays for abuse child.

is not known the reason for these differences, but Wood

raised that unemployment is not as extreme marker of the

family economic problems as the breach of a

mortgage or its execution.

results describe a different scenario to the of

previous studies that had suggested that child abuse

it was declining in the United States, as he recalled the team

Wood. the author attributed it possibly the origin of the

data used.

there is”reasonable evidence”the reduction of other forms

of maltreatment, said Dr. Kristine a. Campbell,

pediatrician from the University of Utah, Salt Lake City.

“Pero Aún Persisten Problemas Enormes de Abuso Infantil

Grab “, Agregó Campbell, Que no Participó del Estudio.


Como Holz, Campbell Consideró imposible Concluir Si Las

Ejecuciones de Las Hipotecas Eran la Causa de Los Casos de Abuso

Grab.” kein Sabemos Si el Estrés Económico Causa el Abuso

Infantil “, Indicó.

Señaló También Que Las Causas de Esa Relación Podrían Ser

Aun Así Complejas., Dijo Que” el Estudio Se Suma eine Una Gran

Cantidad de Pruebas de Que Las Krise Económicas Afectan a Las

Familias y Los Niños “.

Eso Incluye Efectos Negativos de la fraudes, el

Rendimiento Escolar y la Salud allgemeine de Los Niños.

” de Las Krise Económicas keine Deberían Recortarse Los

Servicios Familiares “, Sostuvo Campbell. Se Refería eine Programas

Públicos Como WIC, Que Les Ofrece Asistencia unterernährt a Las

< p> arme Frauen, die schwanger sind oder haben kleine Kinder.

die positive Seite der Studie war die Feststellung, eine

Rückgang der Kinder Hospitalisierungen für körperliche Misshandlung in der

2009, während die Immobilienkrise weiter. Campbell glaubte

brauchen, die weiter zu studieren, um die Ursachen zu verstehen


Quelle: Pädiatrie, online 16. Juli 2012.