Valencian health, Luis Rosado, counselor has pointed out Monday that there are companies in the province that have contacted the Ministry of health to qualify for their service in the new health care model which, he said, could be implemented from March of the next year.

Rosado has made these statements to the media before opening the third Conference of health architecture: ceramic industry and innovation in Castellón next to the President of the provincial Council, Javier Moliner, and the Mayor of the city, Alfonso Bataller, and being asked to respect.

as he said, “until now there are different companies that have been in contact with the Ministry of health and we are giving them relevant information”, though – been clarified-“spreads are about to leave and there is where exactly determine the companies who will be interested”.

< p> In Bezug auf die Umsetzung des neuen Modells der Gesundheitsfürsorge, der Berater erklärte, dass die Absicht des Ministeriums ist, dass die Wettkämpfe im ersten Quartal des nächsten Jahres aufgelöst werden und von March. durchgeführt werden