São Paulo, 12 sep (EFE).-the Brazilian Ministry of health has sent 22,000 doses of the vaccine against meningitis A and C to the Northern State of Maranhao, one of the most 9billion of the country, to combat a recent outbreak of the ailment that has caused 5 deaths, reported today sources officers.

health surveillance equipment has moved to this region, where there have been 34 notifications of meningitis C, of which 9 are cases confirmed, according to the State Agency Brazil.

according to this version, physicians are in the municipalities of Sambaiba, Loreto, São Raimundo das Mangabeiras, rafts and Feira Nova do Maranhão, located in the South of the State.

health authorities have urged the population that has had contact with infected people or to live in polluted areas that initiate medication to protect themselves from the virus for 48 hours.

“Diese Aktionen sind ein wirksames Mittel zur Verhinderung der Ausbreitung von Neuerkrankungen unter Menschen, die einen Kontakt in der Nähe von den infizierten Patienten zur Vermeidung der Ausbreitung des Ausbruchs, hatte “, sagte das Ministerium.

am Tag von gestern, ein Rettungshubschrauber, ausgestattet mit einer Intensivstation landete in der Stadt Barsas zur Teilnahme an der Evakuierung von Patienten mit schweren Krankheitsbild. EFE