The best of our Creole cuisine

comes to tempt us during the Fiestas Patrias. Pies, roasts and choripanes, are just some of the delights you can enjoy. But we must go with calm, to avoid losing the figure.

Depending on age and metabolism in a matter of days can climb that took months down.

A pie has on average 500 calories; a choripan, 400 but add mayonnaise can reach 500. The anticucho nor stays behind and what to say how much has a glass of chicha. A woman on average should be consumed between 1,800 and 2,000 calories a day, and a man exceeding 2,800. By what a couple of pies and kebabs would be sufficient to overcome these quantities.

These are some tips to survive 18 and not die in the attempt – consume more fluids than usual may be water or even juices or sugar-free drinks. Eating meat with salad, always prefer the cuts with less fat as fillet, smooth back, seat and chicken goose. Limit the consumption of alcohol and empanadas, they are more calorie food. Change the sausage meat in the typical choripan, and above all to increase physical activity. Advice that some already have account.

The consequences of being overweight come later and many seek to reverse them in the gym when it is too late. Most advisable is to always make sport. This does not mean to be all day at a gym. Just half an hour to day

To enjoy without guilt, meals must be balanced, it must not fall into excesses. So these national holiday will be unforgettable and without repentances.