Diet are many causes that they are conducive to fatigue, also that all of them do not have the same impact in all Agency. Each immune system responds (defends or be hastened) differently to the aggressors against him, such as stress, consumption of certain drugs, overwork and diseases various. Among them, one of the most powerful is the inadequate nutritional intake or inappropriate, i.e. the unbalanced compared feeding habits.

Perhaps never you had occurred, but the physical and/or mental exhaustion that you’ve experienced at least from time to time, is a sign, that your body needs rest and sleep, that something is wrong with your overall physical well-being.

To achieve this is needed to ensure the body of an appropriate contribution of energy, which in turn must follow a balanced diet. Below is a series of nutritional recommendations to help you get to a stability that will revitalize your body and mind:

-drink plenty of water (between 9 and 12 cups per day); dehydration reduces the volume of blood, which leads to the feeling of fatigue.

-Eat foods rich in iron (such as liver, grapes, spinach and apricot) because it helps the blood to transport oxygen to tissues, organs and muscles.

-Avoid foods rich in fat and snacks, because they take longer to digest, reduces the contribution of blood to the brain, the heart and the rest of the body, whereas blood flow increases in the stomach.

-Consume no refined carbohydrates and protein together for a sustained contribution of energy.

Control the you servings: you just have to eat when hungry and stop when you’re satisfied. An overly full stomach can cause fatigue in the short term. (It is very likely that people with overweight and obesity experience fatigue regularly)

Alternative medicine Enciclipedia

Tags: Diet, stress, fatigue, proteins