Diet gastroenteritis usually us take 3 to 5 days. Many times we do not know that food are adequate, if you can take solid food, whether it is better to not eat anything, etc.

Have done this post so that you can resolve all these doubts. Always when you have gastroenteritis should start with a liquid diet without resorting to drugs. There is to drink plenty of fluids to help expel all those germs in your body and prevent dehydration. It is recommended you take liquids such as the water with infusions digestive or relaxing such as Chamomile, lemon balm, fennel or the lemon verbena, lemon, fruit pulp, oral serum, and isotonic drinks juices as aquarius.

The first solid that you have to take a time disappear vomiting and diarrhoea, are the yogurt with Bifidobacteria. Thus he also opts for an astringent and without fiber diet. So avoid vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, dried fruits and whole grain products as muesli, bread, rice or pasta.

It is recommended that you also take food rich in pectin, a soluble fiber with astringent, effect that is in foods such as grated Apple, cooked PEAR, boiled potato, quince or banana mature.

You leave a diet so that you know that food should take:

For breakfast takes one or two yogurts desnatados with a tea with a roasted Apple and Bifidobacteria.For lunch opts for greased with Quince jelly toast, so also do not forget to drink a tea, water or isotonic drink.Choose to eat white rice with pumpkin, carrot and onion. Join with a chicken breast grilled with lemon, a bit of toasted bread and digestive infusion.For snack take toast with banana and a yoghurt with Bifidobacteria.Dining make a semolina soup with carrot and Leek with a tortilla of ham york, toasted bread and infusion digestive.

Tags: Tips diets, stomach pain, treatment gastroenteritis