Doctors and relatives of patients with bipolar disorder need more training on this disease, the first to achieve an early diagnosis and learn to deal with emergencies arising, the latter to identify early symptoms that the patient feels bad and be able to act. The affected themselves also need to learn, predict and manage their symptoms.

This is the main conclusion drawn by psychiatrists, experts in sum and SAMUR and patient associations who have gathered in the framework of the emergency health in Mental Health seminar held Friday at the Hospital Materno Infantil of the Hospital Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid.

As it has been explained to Europa Press Director of the Bipolar World Foundation, Guadalupe Morales, attendees of this meeting, held with the support of Otsuka Pharmaceutical, have influenced the need to open new psychiatric units in Spain, there are large differences by communities and an insufficient number of them in places like Madrid, which has only three.

In addition, they agreed that “social and affective aspects” of this pathology must meet. In addition, see ’key’ the creation of protocols to manage the urgencies of mental health, for what the sum has already written a manual, yet to publish. However, to improve care, different actors have undertaken to establish working groups to develop protocols in emergencies of mental illness.