A clean, white teeth smile is the best presentation that we can give to others, but if we are not careful with our oral hygiene, we could suffer from various ailments and one of the most notorious are stained teeth.

Food has a huge influence in our oral health, food can stain teeth, and if you don’t have the basic care to have your teeth well, stains could be the last of your problems. is why today I say drinks produce spots, first to avoid consuming too much and then to take into consideration a good routine for the care of your teeth.

Coffee is a drink that stain the teeth, in addition to soft drinks have harmful health effects, also are guilty of stain teeth. The dark brown only is very detrimental to the teeth, is therefore recommended to take it with a little milk and then brush your teeth to protect the natural enamel of the teeth. The tea also affects the teeth, so take it moderately.

Wine is also a drink that stain the teeth, especially red wine, as for the white wine, this affects the oral hygiene, by its acidity and the effects in the mouth. Dark sauces such as soy and balsamic vinegar can also stain teeth.

If you’re going to eat any of these beverages and liquids, is recommended that you immediately wash you teeth, and keep a routine for your constant oral hygiene to avoid this and other problems in the teeth.