(www.neomundo.com.ar), eat slowly and chew rather serves to enjoy more at bottom of food but also to eat less. People who practice this good habit on a daily basis tend to consume one quantity of food and calories.

Two studies by nutritionists from the University of Rhode Island (United States) reinforced the theory that eating more slowly is a good way to lose weight. The experts found, among other things, that men eat faster than women and overweight people to chew less than slender individuals.

Speeds that ENGORDAN

the first research nutritionist Kathleen Melanson found the speed to which eat people is related to the amount of food they eat. Fastest volunteers ate 85 grams of food per minute, of fast intermediate 56 grams and the slower 50 grams.

Melanson also noted a big difference between the habits of women and men. They tended to eat 80 calories per minute and them 52, with the particularity that “men who perceived that they ate slowly did so at the same rate as women who felt that they ate fast”.

The second study took into account if participants were thin, had an overweight or suffering from an obesity. In this case Melanson found that men and women who eat more quickly have many more likely to develop an overweight or obese.

Nutritionist explained that it is not yet known why this trend is but “one theory is that eating fast is related to an increased need for energy, that men and heavier people require more large amounts of calories”.

Melanson also stressed that it takes awhile to the body process food and emit signals related to satiety, which “eat slower gives time to the brain feel satiety before that the person has eaten too much”.

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