EDEPA launches a campaign to raise awareness about chronic low back pain of inflammatory

-the goal of the campaign is to help patients with back pain to learn about the symptoms, to facilitate an early diagnosis to avoid structural damage to the joints.

-Able to identify the origin of the pain is essential in order to establish the most effective treatment and maintain the quality of life of the patient.

Madrid, January 2012.- The Association of sick ankylosing Parleños Associates (EDEPA) launches a campaign to raise awareness about chronic low back pain of inflammatory type, in order to help patients understand the characteristic symptoms of this type of pathology. As the central axis of the campaign, EDEPA presents www.siteduelelaespalda.com, a new space designed to raise awareness of the importance of treating lumbar pain and know distinguish if it is mechanical origin, i.e. the from, for example, bad postural habits or overwork of the lumbar region, or is inflammatory type that is associated with diseases such as ankylosing spondylitis.

Back pain in the lumbar region is one of the most common symptoms among adult in Spain and, according to data from the Spanish Rheumatology society (be), affects approximately 15% of the population. In this sense, to a correct approach to the same need to know tell whether low-back pain is mechanical or chronic inflammatory. Able to identify the origin is crucial to be able to establish the best therapeutic option, in order to maintain the quality of life of the patient and avoid failure that can cause these diseases.

For Miguel Ángel García, President of EDEPA, our goal is to help differentiate the characteristic symptoms of inflammatory back pain patients. While early symptoms are similar to low back pain, identify them correctly can help to make an early diagnosis and adequate treatment of the pathology, avoid structural damage and maintain the quality of life of patients ”.

Inflammatory chronic pain

Inflammatory chronic pain is characterized because the symptoms are alleviated with the exercise. Also, it is frequent to appear at night and usually manifested before age 40. Among the diseases that cause this type of pain is ankylosing spondylitis, according to the be affects the 1.2 and 1.9% of the population and, without proper treatment, can affect the mobility of the patient and cause inability. For its part, in low-back pain of mechanical origin, rest or with inadequate habits correction helps relieve the symptoms.

However, since the Association he emphasized the importance of consulting with a specialist to make the diagnosis and begin treatment at early stages of the disease. Web is a tool of information and help for the patient, but in no case replace the figure of the doctor ”, adds Miguel Ángel García.

Information about the back pain, in just one click

In this new space patients will find information about the different types of back pain, as well as useful tips developed by Arancha heir and Patricia Pérez, physiotherapists Association.

In addition, the recommendations include an exercise program, both in room and swimming pool, that patients can continue to complete their treatment, always under the supervision of a professional exercises to suit the specific characteristics of each patient.

The platform will also be included in the EDEPA (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Edepa-Dolor-Lumbar/323946170967096?sk=wall) facebook profile and allows patients to ask all your doubts and questions about the disease and the exercises.


E.D.E.P.A is an apolitical and non-profit, association that has as main purpose meet, foster and promote spondylitis and arthritis patients in different social and labour activities and family. It leads to biological, clinical and epidemiological studies and related diseases, and maintains relations and contacts with centres and national and foreign institutions as regards médicos-tecnológicos advances in the treatment of these diseases.