Electromagnetic there are few more controversial than the famous electromagnetic radiation issues and we do not intend to offer a unique insight from the blog, but a scientific vision, picking up the theory and the facts and seeking explanations. Not be the last time in addition to talk about this subject, and less once France is proposing to prohibit its use among children in primary education. But let’s start at the beginning, what are? electromagnetic radiation is a combination of electricity and magnetism, are the basis of the solar light, x-rays, ultraviolet rays or the hondas of radio, all these slings are electromagnetic radiation. These radiation are measured depending on their length of honda and frequency as you can see in the drawing (in Spanish you have here, but wordpress will not let me upload it):

Electromagnetic radiation usually classified into two groups depending on the amount of energy that are capable of transmitting to the subject (and thus damage): that the transferred directly and those who do so indirectly. The electromagnetic hondas of mobile phones, microwave, light, infrared, etc. belong to the second group. That the difference? its length of honda as we have seen in the image, less length of honda, more energy have and do more damage. Therefore, if we ordenáramos electromagnetic radiation depending on their danger would have the following:

1. Gamma rays, which we did not receive

2. X-ray, only medical

3. Ultraviolet, to expose to the Sun

4. Visible light

5. Infarrojo

6. Microwave

7. Deep radio, television, telephony, etc.

Is to say, our natural light much more energy than electromagnetic radiation, much more.Natural light is 1,000,000,000 times more damaging than electromagnetic radiation, at least according to theory, which is proven by practice, gamma rays, X and ultraviolet are able to damage DNA and cause tumors, not so the rest of hondas.

And the headaches that cause phone and disappear to remove him or speak with hands-free is not postural as 90% of our non-pathological pains?: separate radiation one meter doesn’t affect, not the least, but you have asked that it is to maintain the same position forced to the muscles of the neck? do the testtake a book, put it next to the ear and keep it ten minutes, without departing from the ear. It is much more damaging to the neck (and hence the majority of headaches) maintain a forced position than the radiation from a mobile, which by ionize, not can ionize or a water molecule, while Sun has a force harmful billion higher.

Electromagnetic to finish, a graphic to reflect, here’s the graph on the origin of radiation we receive on a daily basis.

Tags: Cancer, sunlight, electromagnetic radiation