excessive sweating has treatment

-Excessive sweating is a disease that affects about 3% of the population.

-less than 40 per cent of those affected by Hyperhidrosis attend doctor.

– there are treatments that remove the sweating during six months.

Excessive sweating is a relatively common pathology, increases in the summer and that causes – who suffers from – a significant deterioration in the social and personal life. Hyperhidrosis diagnosis is mainly clinical and forced to rule out other pathology. Once diagnosed, a dermatologist is concerned with the treatment.

When this problem of excessive sweating affects the underarms or the palms of the hands, the treatment with botulinum toxin is a good option. for axillary hyperhidrosis toxin is the treatment of choice, according to Dr. Aldanondo, of the unity of aesthetics of the Hospital USP San Jose – because it is secureeffective and has no side effects ”.

Treatment with botulinum toxin to prevent excess sweat applies occasionally issues that go beyond health and affecting comfort or aesthetic aspects. For example, a girlfriend to marry who wants to prevent the sweat on his wedding day, or those people who prefer to spend a summer without sweat.

In the cases of Hyperhidrosis, sweat is excessively and unpredictably, without an apparent reason specifically, physical exercise, has been without moments of tension and even at low temperatures. The causes for the failure mechanism of body temperature control are not fully defined, although it is known that they have an emotional component. It is verified that people suffering from Hyperhidrosis not sweat at night, while sleeping. Less than 40 percent of people who have come to a medical consultation. And those who do are mostly women.

Paola, Hyperhidrosis patients, says that her for the hipersudoración is primarily an aesthetic problem: sudo much in limit situations, although it does cold. As soon as I get nervous, I begin to sweat ”. Paola suffered from this problem since some time ago: had tried everything: cosmetics, creams, deodorants specific … but nothing worked me ”. This treatment should be repeated every six months, and in some cases, after several applications, the problem comes to disappear. This is confirmed by the experience of Paola: I apply the treatment every six or seven months, and certainly not sudo even half of what you sweating before ”.

About Hyperhidrosis

Sweating is induced by heat or exercise as a mechanism to stabilize the temperature of the body. It is carried out through the secretion of the sweat glands called ecrinas which, subsequently, evaporating fluid, the sweat. The density of these glands varies from one individual to another and between the different parts of the body. So, back there a few 64 glands/m2 while in the underarms, palms and soles of the feet may have between 360-700 glands/m2.

Hyperhidrosis is treated according to the level of condition. There are different treatments that derive from hygiene measures General, relaxation techniques, topical treatments to the surgery. One of the most widely used treatments is the botulinum toxin that is considered a technique without side effects and can serve as a solution for those who want to try a safe and effective solution after having tried other methods such as: breathable acting topical drugsantiperspirants, medication beta-blockers and anticholinergics.