Experts warn that 53% of the mobile users suffer Nomofobia or fear not carry the phone above ”.

From the direction of the unit of psychology of the Centre medical USP Fuengirola is recommended to switch off the phone at night and leave it in another room.

Spain, 2011-September now in Spain there are about 56 million given mobile phones of high, IE 9 million more mobile phones than inhabitants. This fact, coupled with the fact that, according to recent research, around 53 percent of mobile phone users suffers from Nomofobia, he did wake up alarm among society and especially when users are children. The Director of the unity of psychology of the Centre medical USP Fuengirola, Ildefonso Muñoz, warns that the Nomofobia can generate instability and irritability and even lack of concentration.

Has been shown that 53% of users of mobile phones presents Nomofobia (non-mobile-phobia, in English not mobile phofia), i.e., an irrational fear not the mobile phone above, and that affects more to carry the male that the feminine, a 58 per cent for men and 48 percent for women feel instability, anxiety, irritability, and lack of concentration when they forget the phone at home, they have no coverage, it has a low battery or been without it. actually there are reasons for this? Respondents, 50 per cent recognition never switch off the mobile phone, most for being in contact with family and friends and a 10 per cent for work. In some cases the unit to the mobile phone can be an addiction of so-called addictions without drugs ”, explained Ildefonso Muñoz.

On, the Group of susceptible people suffer this particular addiction, Ildefonso Muñoz is situated on young people and the most vulnerable group.

Found that young people are who most might suffer Nomofobia, since its current pattern of sociability and relationship with peers has changed since a decade ago ago. mobile messages and chat predominate in the way they interact andTherefore, without a computer or phone their communicative blackout is almost total ”, points out the expert.

How much age that a child can count on your own mobile phone, Ildefonso Muñoz is the barrier of the 13 or 14 years how moment in which the child could begin to handle only in this area, and when the fact is motivated by the claim of parents to have a tool that allows us to locate our son, and not a requirement of the child. is at this age when children begin to become independent and to go out with his friends film, walk, etc. However, it is important to restrict access to the minor to some applications or options of the phone not according to their age. I should a prepaid card that also the child learn to control the use of this and above all that the phone do not use at home, since that was not the purpose which was to have originally ”, requires the Director of the Centre doctor USP Fuengirola psychology unit.

Par to avoid falling into this unit or reduce Ildefonso Muñoz advised the following measures:

– go off the phone at night after certain time.

-make attempts to ” leave it in a room other than that we find ourselves, starting with 10 minutes and to increase this time gradually and eventually go being able to leave it at home.

-If we are going to go by car and say If I need it ” so we cannot leave, for example, off the glove box and know that it is there if necessary.

On USP hospital

Founded in 1998 and headquartered in Madrid, USP hospital is the first hospital private group in the Spanish market. Currently, USP hospital boasts a network of 12 hospitals, 20 health centres and 4,000 doctors annually serving more than two million patients. In 2010 the company recorded 331.494 clinical stays, 118.931 surgery, 11.202 births and 424.511 er.