Filed the complaint against Eroski Basic burgers.

– February 1, EROSKI certified through an analysis commissioned from an independent laboratory that there was no presence of DNA of horse in the composition of their burgers

Elorrio, April of 2013. The Basque Institute of consumption – Kontsumobide has archived the file where the OCU denounced that the brand burgers EROSKI basic ” contained DNA from horse.

The decision comes after OCU has not attached his analysis to the complaint and did subsequent including a photo of a different product to the respondent and with errors in the batch of the product.

OCU spread, on 29 January, a report that analyzed the quality of 20 packaged fresh burgers for sale in supermarkets. This report stated that there was presence of DNA of horse in the hamburgers that EROSKI commercialized under its own brand EROSKI basic ”.

Before the indictment, EROSKI withdrew the proceeds of the sale as a precautionary measure and began research on their traceability in collaboration with your meat selected manufacturer, subsidiary of Campofrío.

He also commissioned analyses to the independent laboratory Xenotechs (associated with the University of Santiago de Compostela and the CSIC – Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) on a sample of 55 burgers collected randomly. This independent lab certified, dated February 1, that there were no traces of DNA from horse in the composition of the burgers (see annex). Therefore, contrary to the OCU argued in its report, the labelling of the product faithfully reflected its characteristics, meaning that there has been any kind of fraud or lack of information to the consumer.


EROSKI completed a more than 2,200 settlements network, composed of EROSKI hypermarkets, supermarkets EROSKI/center, Caprabo and EROSKI/city offices EROSKI/viajes, gas stations, stores sport Forum Sport, perfume iF and 22 logistics platforms.

Since its inception, 10% of the benefits of EROSKI is earmarked for initiatives of social action, mainly to the promotion of healthy life habits, formation to the consumer, the defense of the environment and solidarity.