firmness of the skin

• Skin is very elastic during the teenage years for children who are still growing they can stretch the skin and it is not broken. Therefore do not need to worry about reaffirm skin.
• when a person becomes greater, the elasticity of the skin is weakened and often causes the flabbiness, especially after a sudden loss of weight.
• areas that are more susceptible to skin drooping after losing weight are: the abdomen, thighs and arms.

• These are areas where tends to build up the majority of fat and increase when we have an increase in weight. Hence, which are areas with more problems than flaccid lose weight quickly.
• there are several ways to reaffirm the skin. Some of these can be used independently and provide effective results, while others must be combined with various ways to fully develop a stronger in the area look

firmness of the skin after weight loss

• exercise to increase muscles. So the area will appear stronger and owed.
• for patients who are thinking of losing weight, is essential to tighten the muscles to avoid that the skin is flaccid. We must work the muscles through exercise and maintain a healthy diet, while it is losing weight. There are exercises of strength training that can help to reaffirm the skin after the loss of weight.
• check life habits. The appearance of the skin and healthy which is depends largely on how a person eats and behave in their daily lives. To prevent sagging of the skin, the best is maintaining a healthy diet rich in fiber and protein, and go with a style of life active and free of stress.
• firming creams and lotions. There are several lotions and creams can help to reaffirm the flaccid skin. These lotions have formulas that improve the production of collagen which helps the skin to become more elastic. These lotions and creams also help to remove cellulite.
• cosmetic procedures. Most doctors recommend these procedures, as a last resort to prevent risk factors. Most popular treatments or procedures are liposuction, the tensors of abdomen, laser therapy and many more.