Food what most fattening is eating hours. The posts, breakfasts, snacks and strong snacks can cause your body to get more fats that we should build up, so we have to know how to choose well what must eat hours so that we are not hungry and does not aim fats. We are going to present a number of foods that are good to eat between hours quenching hunger without obtaining accumulation of calories. They also have other properties that provide vitamins and minerals for our body. They are as follows:

  • whole foods: as cereal or crackers. They are the basis of our diet by providing the necessary fiber and quenching the stomach longer. There are now on the market of corn pancakes with no almost calories, ideal for any time of day.
  • Quince: similar to cereals refreshes the stomach and contains fiber. With Quince we refer to the fruit, not to sweet than that if you have enough calories.
  • Vegetables: contain vitamins, minerals and basic fibers for the Agency. The important legumes is that we should use in salads and not adding another type of fatty foods because they contribute US unnecessary calories.
  • Nuts: walnuts or almonds. They have high in fiber, though if we abuse them they will provide fatty acids and calories. A dry fruit to help combat the appetite between hours is dates. This fruit will contribute fewer calories and us saciará quickly.
  • Fruits and vegetables: very good for its low calorie content. Vegetables and cooked as boiled, although eating hours maybe is a small salad, which we will be able to eat anywhere. Fruit is also quite satisfying as apples.

Now that is what I can take, and what is not, the time to make the sandwich and sandwiches, are perhaps best a manzanita?

Fuente| VITON

Tags: low calorie, satiating foods, food without fat foods