Freedom of prescription

press release

Madrid, 2011-January
situation on pharmaceutical policy issues taking place in various autonomous communities, where a limitation of the vademecum of drug and therapeutic products or implement certain strategies of pharmacy cost containment is generating, that they do not take account of the exercise of the medical professionals, the Spanish society of physicians in primary care (SEMERGEN) wants to highlight the following arguments:

-Que SEMERGEN from institutional loyalty, will always encourage and boosts the sustainability of the national system of health policies in all of its partnersrespecting and promoting ethics and the criteria for scientific evidence, which should always govern any medical act.

-The professional freedom entails responsibility for self-regulation of behavior and medical activity. Be aware of health expenditure is an essential element of such self-regulation, being specially qualified doctors making decisions aimed to take control, which to some extent, should be used as a pretext to deny patients the services they need. Take responsibility for this self-control ensures the right of the doctor to treat their patients without interference in his professional career.

– Remember that the exercise of the medical profession must be carried out with full technical autonomy (article 4.7 of the I-2003-), ensuring patients have the doctor you consult independent moral and technical, as well as freedom in prescribing (Declaration of Nuremberg and Lisbon).

-Therefore, the physician must have freedom of prescription and technical conditions to enable it to act with independence and quality assurance. In the event that these conditions are not fulfilled, should inform the managing body of assistance and the patient (art. 20 of the code of ethics and deontology of the WTO).

On the basis of the foregoing, we call on public administrations to increase dialogue with healthcare professionals and to the Ministry of health, Social Affairs and equality, to lead a process of dialogue and consensus with the autonomous communities and professional organizations, to agree on whatever measures affect in this regard to the sustainability of the health system and freedom of fármaco-terapéutica prescription.

National Board of Directors of SEMERGEN